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Balancing Decision-Making Styles for Business Success

In the world of reselling, business ownership, and decision making, Joe and I couldn’t be more different. We’re fundamentally opposite when it comes to making decisions. My approach involves careful contemplation, prolonged analysis, and favors a more collaborative effort. On the other hand, Joe’s decision-making process is quick, delegative, and anchored in unwavering determination. He lives by the saying, “We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it”, where I prefer to see all the possible bridges before we embark on the journey.

Over the years, we’ve discovered that our differences are not a hindrance, but a valuable asset to our business. It took time, plenty of stumbling, heated arguments, and a fair share of mistakes, but we realized that the true strength lies not just in acknowledging our differences but in finding a “sweet spot” for successful action—a point somewhere between our contrasting styles.

Compromise and attentive listening have been the cornerstones of our success, not only in business but also in our marriage, parenting, relationships, and life as a whole.

It’s crucial to recognize where you fall on this decision-making spectrum, especially when embarking on your reselling business journey.

If you identify with me (Jessica), you’re likely a “researcher.” You’ve spent the past week immersed in forums, Facebook groups, and YouTube channels, gathering every best practice and tip for being a successful reseller or business owner. However, you may not have taken any tangible steps to build your business. Here’s a piece of advice: Dive in and get started. You’ll learn more by doing. I understand it can be overwhelming to jump in without knowing every detail, but reselling is straightforward. While tips and tricks are valuable, getting hands-on experience is more important.

If you’re more like my husband (Joe), you’re a “do-er.” My advice to you is the opposite: slow down. Take the time to research and absorb the knowledge. Business building is multifaceted, and there are tried-and-true strategies from seasoned experts. Building a strong foundation of knowledge now will save you time and prevent avoidable mistakes down the road.

It wasn’t until we set aside our individual preferences and started truly listening to each other that we grasped the value of combining thoughtful contemplation with decisive action. Success requires both.

So, where do you fall on this decision-making spectrum? How can you find a balanced approach to building your business? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

And, as always, happy reselling!

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